• Description: Construction of two parallel road tunnels separated with 6m gables allowing for the continuity of the Avenida Javier Prado-Avenida Nicolás Ayllón section. Tunnels are traversed longitudinally by 4 subvertical faults, of metric-decimetre width. The execution was difficult due to the scarce roof (montera?), large section of excavation (120 m2), and flat roof and pillar between 6m-wide tunnels, since this tunnel is located in a particularly sensitive area that requires the least possible impact on the surface (pre-Inca archaeological zone). Previous execution of an umprella of 45 micropiles of 20-22m spaced 50cm apart in the keystone and voussoirs. Support by lattice formwork, electrowelded mesh, pressure sprayed concrete/shotcrete at 280 kg/cm2 and 40 kg/m3 of metal fibre and prestressed bolts in the central pillar.
  • Location: Lima, Peru
  • Client: Ate-Lima Municipality
  • Cost: 6.753.789,76 €
  • Term for completion: 29 months
  • Predicted completion date: June 2016